PHOTOS : See the most lovedup Pre wedding photoshoot of Bianca and Amby

Remember the LEGAL ICON (Bianca Miss world) who got engaged on her birthday on the 10th may 2015 (Read here  .
Till date, their love flows endlessly like the ocean.
A heart embedded with grace never seen passion and love. These  amazing CEOs find the expression of tomorrow in the little kiss of today. This is a tag team for all time victory. There is no better way to capture the beginning than follow all the stories.
We at Loctech started trailing this journey more than a year ago and had no choice than sponsor this photo shoot. We are getting somewhere...lols

Love in the air

Indeed, love is a beautiful thing, we never design love but it happens and your heart is swept away forever.

**Continue to read more and see more romantic and and amazing photos.....
AMBIANCA as they are fondly called could split the stars with the glazed intense of their songs of love.
Be Alert! for the wedding date will be announced soon.But let me give you a tip of the iceberg. They will walk down the isle by JUNE 2016... Hehehehehehhe!!!! Cant wait!
Together forever

The happiest man of her dreams
Looking at the future
Life without you is no life at all

Most amazing
Love never fails
Bianca Miss world
Love : the only game two can play and both can win
The heart that loves is always young
Two souls but a single thought
The heart that beat as one
We do not remember days, we remember moments
Always and all ways for all days
Forever together
Founded on faith, joined in love, kept by God
Friends yesterday, lovers today, soulmates forever
Its a love thing
meant to be
The best is yet to come
Two souls entwined in the mystery of Gods love
This is true love
I love her profession
In love forever
Always there for each-other
Loving you is all I desire
You leave me breathless.


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