Kunle sound surreal for a guy who never left the village. He really knows all the places where the most beautiful sunset rise and set.
As I admire him,
Gbenga chipped in "ehen sha your birthday na tomorrow? "  I put up my girly sad face and said yes oo! but it's going to be on a low key cause no where to go and no one to celebrate with( trying to get Kunle to talk as he was busy picking at his short.). I could take you out, Kunle cut in but Gbenga hushed him and insisted that it's his responsibility. 'Ok oh' kunle interjected. At this point, I didn't care on all this... I just wanted Kunles arm around me.
At night, I kept tossing on my bed hoping the next day will creep in seconds. I felt a warm hand on my tie I turned and saw a macho figure with a finger across his mouth and behold, it was Kunle; What! could this be a dream? I asked aloud wondering what was happening. He immediately replied in a very low but romantic voice with his hand on my shoulder, 'I like you Leola, and I want you to be mine' .
But, but how did you you get to my room i said stammering. I managed to squirm out & relaxeda bit. In response, he said I stayed back after the evening hangout with Gbenga but anyways, the most important thing is that I am here now.. My Uncles daughter was in the other room and I was so scared that she might come in. I have her covered Gbenga said with his fingers stroking my hand I was losing my thoughts and leaning towards him...
My eyes were closed and ready to eat from the grapes of his pinkish lips. I could also feel my nipple losing its molecular intergrade. My senses all realigning as I was dripping in a dream land. Then, I held his broad arm with my left hand......
This would be my second attempt at this and the first.... was stolen. that's a story for another day.
My soul was about to melt into this surreal soul.. "wake up! wake up!! Wake up!! " my cousin yelled 'why are you doing your mouth like fish while sleeping?' she yelled.. Gosh! I hate that girl... this wasn't real? so all this while I was dreaming?? I was furious.At this point, I threw the pillow around and faced the wall. 'This dream must comeback or else I will kill you' I muttered to my cousin. I woke up the next day without any further dream I was hopeful that dream will happen in reality..
At about 1:pm the next day, Gbenga drove in with his friends and they were so loud. They even came with two other girls. Mscheew oh now they both have girl friends... I hissed! .
We are going to the water fall Kunle announced.I just packed few things and we head out.. As we left the compound, they said they will pick a friend at the entrance. I said hopefully this one would be fun... Gbenga kept winking at me all through as I wonder what they have discussed about me (you know guys now. Lols)
The water fall was a magical sight I was dreaming and never knew somewhere in 9ja has this enchanted forest and the oasis of nature. I grew up loving nature and birds. WhIle others were screaming and getting into the little pool at the feet of the water fall, I sat on a rock and watched the whole young esctasy.Also, I was lusting after Kunles abs as he didn't hesitate to flaunt it... I was imagining all he could do to me when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. You like Kunle right? sounded a familiar voice "he's your cousin oooooo!" what?wait....
To Be Continued!!


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